Slavery and human trafficking
Kemp IT Law LLP, as a smaller organisation, has chosen voluntarily to make this slavery and human trafficking statement setting out our approach and to support our clients in their work to tackle modern slavery.
In this statement, ‘we’ are Kemp IT Law LLP, a firm of solicitors authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Our SRA No. is 8000918. Our address is 21 Napier Avenue, London, SW6 3PS. Our VAT No. is 418 9059 71.
We provide legal services. We employ and engage professionally qualified and highly skilled individuals in our business. We operate only in the UK. For these reasons we consider the risk to modern slavery within our business to be low.
In this statement, ‘we’ are Kemp IT Law LLP, a firm of solicitors authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Our SRA No. is 8000918. Our address is 21 Napier Avenue, London, SW6 3PS. Our VAT No. is 418 9059 71.
We provide legal services. We employ and engage professionally qualified and highly skilled individuals in our business. We operate only in the UK. For these reasons we consider the risk to modern slavery within our business to be low.
Our Approach
As a law firm, we work to the highest professional standards and comply with the laws, regulations and rules relevant to our business. Our anti-slavery policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in our business relationships. We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our business or supply chains and to implementing effective systems and controls to achieve this.
Supplier Due Diligence
We are introducing specific measures to ensure our approach is passed through our supply chain. Our procurement process includes vetting each material new supplier and carrying out a risk analysis based on the nature and value of the product or service.
All our material suppliers are expected to comply with applicable laws and regulations. We may ask for information about monitoring supply chains for unfair practices and policies on fair sourcing.
We take supplier responses into account when buying and make any concerns known to the supplier. If suppliers fail to live up to our expectations or are unwilling to make any changes we may cease to engage them. We have not identified any risk of modern slavery in our suppliers.
All our material suppliers are expected to comply with applicable laws and regulations. We may ask for information about monitoring supply chains for unfair practices and policies on fair sourcing.
We take supplier responses into account when buying and make any concerns known to the supplier. If suppliers fail to live up to our expectations or are unwilling to make any changes we may cease to engage them. We have not identified any risk of modern slavery in our suppliers.
We are introducing training for our staff directly involved with procurement and contracts.