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Breakfast Event: Legal Aspects of AI Datasets

Date and Time: 08.30 – 10.30, Thursday, 13 June 2024
Place: The Walbrook Club, 37a Walbrook, London EC4N 8BS

For data-rich organisations, AI is having a force multiplier effect: raising the stakes of action and inaction alike when it comes to deploying data in AI applications.

Fuelled by vast capital investment at all levels of the AI technology stack, the legal aspects of data in the AI context are developing apace to meet the challenges of this revolutionary technology. But data remains tricky stuff in legal terms and, as data value and volumes continue to surge, disputes around the boundaries of what the law protects are on the rise.

Focusing on current trends and recent developments regarding AI technologies, data protection and data licensing, AI specialists from top tech law boutique Kemp IT Law will:

  • frame the IP, contract and regulatory considerations applicable to data by reference to an ‘eight-layer stack’ 
  • look at recent developments in data protection regulation and their impact on AI datasets
  • look at how organisations are protecting and licensing their data estates in the AI context 

The session will take place under Chatham House rules. Do join us for this in-person event!




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